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5 AI Prompts For Credit Unions - Executives/Managers

Justin Dwyer
Apr 13, 2024
5 AI Prompts For Credit Unions - Executives/Managers

With the constant juggling of responsibilities and immediate demands, finding the bandwidth to explore the untapped potential of AI for your credit union, much less your role, can feel impossible. AviaryAI has done the legwork for you with these 5 AI prompts and how to guides designed specifically for a credit union’s executive/management team.

About AI Prompt Writing

It's important to remember that AI can generate inaccurate outputs and does not possess the human touch. So, while these AI-generated prompts are excellent starting points, they should ideally be used in conjunction with experienced human judgment, ensuring that decisions remain grounded in the real-world context of your credit union. Any generated data should also be validated. Reference this helpful article by Open.AI on prompt writing best practices.

Now, let's delve into the practical, straightforward AI prompts that will help you manage daily tasks, save time, and boost productivity.

5 AI Prompts for Credit Union Executives and Managers.

Prompt 1: Collaborative Exploration of New Technologies or Processes

When to use this prompt: 

Use this AI prompt when planning to adopt new technologies or processes. It's especially helpful during meetings where decisions are made, such as project start-ups or strategic planning sessions. The prompt helps your team focus on what’s important and pinpoint potential issues by providing a structured way to think through new initiatives. This ensures you cover all bases, making well-informed decisions that fit well with your credit union’s goals and resources.

How to use this prompt:

  1. Copy and paste the template below into a generative AI model (ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.)
  2. Replace the [Insert x] with the recommended content
  3. Do not edit the content within the "{}" brackets.
  4. Hit “Generate” and review the output
  5. Ask the AI to make any changes you deem necessary
  6. Enjoy the time you’ve saved!


You are the CEO of [Insert Name of Credit Union], with decades of experience in successfully implementing new technologies and process that enhance the efficiency of your institution. You are tasked with exploring/researching potential applications of a [Insert New Technology/Process here].

Generate a list of the top 3 focus areas and key concerns you would need to see addressed when exploring this [Insert New Technology/Process here]

Desired format:{Executive title} (e.g. CEO, CFO, COO, CIO, etc.) Focus Areas:

{Focus area 1} - {Description of steps to successfully execute focus area 1}

{Focus area 2} - {Description of steps to successfully execute focus area 2}

{Focus area 3} - {Description of steps to successfully execute focus area 3}

Key Concerns:

{Concern 1} - {Description of steps to successfully address concern 1}

{Concern 2} - {Description of steps to successfully address concern 2}

{Concern 3} - {Description of steps to successfully address concern 3}

Repeat the format above for each of the following executive roles: CEO, CMO, CTO, Chief Lending Officer.


Prompt 2: General learning about any topic

When to use this prompt: 

This prompt for quick learning is perfect when you need to get up to speed on new topics fast. Whether it's for drafting new policies, getting ready for important meetings, or staying updated with the latest financial technologies, this tool can help you learn efficiently. Use it when you're faced with new regulations, technology updates, or any area where your knowledge needs a boost.

How to use this prompt:

  1. Identify a topic, technology or process relevant to the credit union that the executive team needs to better understand.
  2. Find an authoritative article, whitepaper, web page or document that provides an informative overview of the topic.
  3. Open your AI tool and paste in the prompt template.
  4. In the "Document:" section, paste the full text of the article or document you want the AI to summarize and analyze within the "[]" brackets
  5. Adjust any of the instructions or sections in the prompt template as needed for your specific use case. You may want to ask for a SWOT analysis, comparisons to other credit unions, etc.
  6. Submit the prompt and wait for the AI to generate a response.
  7. Review the AI-generated summary, key takeaways, discussion questions and areas for further research.


You are a research assistant that helps busy credit union executives quickly understand complex topics. An executive has provided a document on a topic they need to learn more about to help improve the business. Your task is to carefully review the document and provide a helpful summary and analysis for the executive.

[paste document text here]

Please provide the following:

  1. A concise summary of the key points and main ideas from the document in a few paragraphs. Focus on the most important and relevant information for understanding the overall topic.
  2. A list of 3-5 key takeaways or potential implications of this topic for the credit union. Consider how it could impact operations, member service, strategy, etc.
  3. A list of 3-5 thought-provoking questions for the executive team to discuss and consider related to this topic and how the credit union may need to adapt or respond to it.
  4. Identify any areas or points that are unclear or require further research and explanation. Suggest a few resources the executive could review to learn more.

Please format your response with clear headings for each section. Use simple language and avoid jargon. The goal is to make this complex topic easy to understand and highlight the most relevant points for the credit union executive team.


Prompt 3: Generate Productive Meeting Agendas

When to use this prompt: 

As a credit union executive, your time is precious, and so is that of your team. Whether it's for strategic planning sessions, operational reviews, or team updates, this tool  can help you streamline meeting preparations, highlight important points, and ensure that every meeting time is well-utilized, leading to more focused discussions and actionable outcomes.

How to use this prompt:

  1. Copy and paste the template below into a generative AI model (ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.)
  2. Replace the [Insert x] with the recommended content
  3. **If you have examples of agenda's you or your team find particularly effective you can copy and paste here.
  4. Hit “Generate” and review the output
  5. Ask the AI to make any changes you deem necessary
  6. Enjoy the time you’ve saved!


You are a credit union executive with decades of experience managing tight, productive meetings.

Generate a meeting agenda for a [Insert length of time in minutes] minutes long [Insert type of meeting. Ex. Strategic Planning] meeting.

The agenda should include the following sections in this format:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes.
  4. Old Business
    • [Insert old business topic and name of associated team member]
    • [Insert old business topic and name of associated team member]
    • [Insert old business topic and name of associated team member]
  5. New Business
    • [Insert new business topic and name of associated team member]
    • [Insert new business topic and name of associated team member]
    • [Insert new business topic and name of associated team member]
  6. Open Discussion (include space for executive team members to raise any other discussion topics not covered)
  7. Review of Action Items (summarize key decisions made and action items assigned during the meeting including who is responsible and due dates)
  8. Next Meeting Date and Time
  9. Meeting Adjourned

The meeting agenda should be no more than 1 pages using a professional format. Ensure each agenda item has a brief description, name of associated person, and time allotted.

**Use the following agenda examples to assist you:
[Insert example agenda’s here. If you have none, delete this text]


Prompt 4: Nail Your Next Presentation with High Quality Talking Points

When to use this prompt: 

This prompt will help you generate presentation talking points when you need to quickly prepare for meetings, conferences, or internal discussions. You can use it for any topic to quickly generate key points and ideas that resonate with your audience, allowing you to focus more on delivery and engagement.

How to use this prompt:

IMPORTANT: Make sure you validate any data generated by AI!

  1. Copy and paste the template below into a generative AI model (ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.)
  2. Replace the [Insert x] with the recommended content
  3. Do not edit the content within the "{}" brackets.
  4. Hit “Generate” and review the output
  5. Ask the AI to make any changes you deem necessary
  6. Enjoy the time you’ve saved!


You are the [Insert role] at [Insert Credit Union Name]. Generate a list of talking points for your upcoming presentation. The presentation is on the topic of [TOPIC] and is for an audience of [AUDIENCE].

Include the following in the talking points:

3-4 key messages or takeaways on the topic.

2-3 supporting data points, statistics or examples to back up each key message.

1-2 potential challenges or counterarguments to address for each key message.

A clear call-to-action or next steps for the audience.

Proper transitions between each talking point.

Talking points should be clear, concise, persuasive and tailored to the specific audience. Avoid jargon and explain any complex terms. Talking points should flow logically and tell a coherent story.

Use this format when generating these talking points:

Topic: {TOPIC}

Audience: {AUDIENCE}

Key message 1

Supporting point

Supporting data

Potential challenge/counterargument

Refutation of counterargument

Key message 2

Supporting point

Supporting data

Potential challenge/counterargument

Refutation of counterargument

Key message 3

Supporting point

Supporting data

Potential challenge/counterargument

Refutation of counterargument

Call-to-action/Next steps


Prompt 5: Summarizing Long Documents

When to use this prompt:
Use this template to quickly understand detailed reports, lengthy financial documents, or comprehensive market analyses. It will enable you to quickly grasp the essential information and make informed decisions without reading through the entire document, saving valuable time and ensuring efficiency.

How to use this prompt:

  1. Copy and paste the template below into a generative AI model (ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.)
  2. Replace the [Insert x] with the recommended content
  3. Do not edit the content within the "{}" brackets.
  4. Hit “Generate” and review the output
  5. If you need further info from the document, just ask your AI to provide what you’d like. For example: “Please explain [insert confusing topic from summary] in simpler terms.” Play around with it to see what works best for you!
  6. Enjoy the time you’ve saved!


You are a research assistant that helps busy credit union executives save time by summarizing important documents.

Your task is to provide a comprehensive summary of the text below, covering all the key points and main ideas while condensing the information into a concise and easy-to-understand format.

In your summary, be sure to:

  • Include all relevant details and examples that support the main ideas
  • Avoid unnecessary information or repetition
  • Keep the length appropriate for the original text, providing a clear and accurate overview without omitting important information

Text to summarize:
[paste the long document text here]


Making the Most of These 5 AI Prompts For Credit Union Executives

These five AI prompts offer credit union executives and managers a powerful toolkit to enhance productivity, streamline processes, and make informed decisions. By leveraging AI to explore new technologies, quickly learn about complex topics, generate productive meeting agendas, create compelling presentation talking points, and summarize lengthy documents, credit union leaders can save valuable time and focus on driving their institution forward.

However, it's crucial to remember that AI is not a replacement for human expertise and judgment. The outputs generated by these prompts should be carefully reviewed, validated, and adapted to align with the unique context and goals of your credit union. By combining the efficiency of AI with the wisdom of experienced leaders, credit unions can navigate the challenges of the modern financial landscape and seize new opportunities for growth and member service.

As you integrate these AI prompts into your daily workflow, remain open to exploring new ways to harness the power of artificial intelligence. With a strategic and discerning approach, AI can become an indispensable ally in your mission to build a thriving, member-centric credit union.

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