Trusted by Leading institutions
Reduction in search time
Reduction in supervisor time answering questions
Avg time saved per month (minutes)

Rapidly Bring your Team Up to Full Productivity

Reduce training time with our intuitive AI Knowledge Base. Ensure your employees are informed and productive 
from day one.

watch illustration

Instantly Share the Latest Updates with Everyone

Give your team easy access to the latest information 
on your business with AviaryAI's simple update 
and configuration tools.

target illustration

Made with AviaryAI

Real-world success stories from leading institutions

"Partnering with Aviary AI, we built a knowledge base that reduces training time and enhances job satisfaction by delivering quick, reliable answers, allowing our employees to focus on what matters most—delivering exceptional service to our clients."

Director of People Operations, Allyson Leu

time saved per month (minutes)

"Our front-line staff needs to have the most accurate and up to date information at all times. The knowledge base solved that challenge immediately."

VP Lending and Business Operations, Benny Johnson

search time reduction

"It's been phenomenal to see our team's reaction to the knowledge base. Not only are their jobs easier, we're able to serve members faster and more consistently. It's great to see how much it's improved our daily work."

President/CEO, Eric Gelly

search time reduction

Frequently asked questions

How does AviaryAI keep my institution's data private and secure?
What type of teams should use the knowledge base?
How long does implementation take?
How accurate is the knowledge base?

Drive Revenue and Engagement with AI Today

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