Newsletter Editions

Edition 9: Google Errors: CU Lessons

Justin Dwyer
May 26, 2024
Edition 9: Google Errors: CU Lessons

Welcome to the AviaryAI Newsletter!

Thanks for joining us as we explore the intersection of GenAI and finance with practical learnings and the latest relevant insights. Let’s get started.

This week you’ll learn:

  • What CUs can learn from Google’s AI Overview Debacle
  • What’s now possible with an AI computer in your ear
  • How much private data will Microsoft’s AI PCs have access to
  • How AI can streamline credit union mergers

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The coolest things we're watching and why you should care

Google’s AI Summaries Hit Snags with Misinformation
Google's new search feature, AI Overview, is drawing criticism for delivering misleading and occasionally dangerous information. The tool has been found summarizing dubious sources and failing to recognize satirical content, leading to public backlash and jokes on social media.

So what?
The incident highlights the importance of AI accuracy. The good news is that credit unions will be implementing AI on a smaller, more manageable scale. Unlike massive tech companies, credit unions can carefully select and curate their data sources. This means AI systems can be trained on credible information, reducing the risk of inaccurate info.
Read the full story here.

A Hands-Free AI Computer in Your Ear 
Iyo's new wearable 'audio computer' lets you talk to an AI like a friend through custom-fit silicone earbuds. Equipped with 10 microphones, this device can perform tasks like running through a grocery list, enhancing conversation in noisy environments, and even real-time translation.

So What?
Real-time translation could break down language barriers between front-line staff and members. And this tech is only beginning. Imagine an AI copilot in your teller’s ear always prepared to provide real-time guidance and support.
Read the full story here.

Microsoft announces next line of AI PCs with Copilot+
These new Copilot+ PCs promise enhanced performance, extended battery life, and groundbreaking local AI processing. A leading feature, “Recall”, aims to enable users to easily find and remember whatever they may have seen on their PC by analyzing screenshots of a user’s screen.

So what? 
For credit unions, the AI-driven features of Copilot+ PCs could streamline day-to-day operations. However, executives should be wary of potential privacy concerns, particularly around the "Recall" feature that could be finding and storing sensitive data and could become a major target for bad actors.
Read the full story here.


Boost your efficiency with these easy to follow templates 

Generate Ideas to Optimize Your Operations

How to use this prompt:

  1. Copy and paste the template below into a generative AI model (ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.)
  2. Replace the [Insert x] with the recommended content
  3. Do not edit the content within the "{}" brackets.
  4. Hit “Generate” and review the output
  5. Ask the AI to make any changes you deem necessary
  6. Enjoy the time you’ve saved!

You are an operations expert with decades of experience in the credit union industry successfully streamlining processes and driving efficiencies.

Your task is to analyze the following process details located after “””INPUTS:””” and provide a comprehensive analysis by identifying potential bottlenecks, new strategies or technologies, opportunities for automation, potential partnerships and collaborations, and specific goals and targets for improvement. Then, provide a set of recommended action steps that outline how the credit union could implement the identified strategies and technologies.

Department Name: [Input department name]
Current Processes (brief description): [Input a brief description of the current processes in the department]
Identified Issues or Bottlenecks (if any): [Input any known issues or bottlenecks affecting efficiency]
Technological Tools Currently in Use: [Input a list of technological tools the department currently uses]
Areas of Interest for Automation: [Input areas where automation could be applied, if any]
Past Strategies and Their Outcomes (if applicable): [Input a brief description of past strategies aimed at improving efficiency and their outcomes]
Goals for Operational Improvement (Quantitative or Qualitative): [Input specific goals for operational improvement and efficiency gains]
Desired Collaboration or Partnership Opportunities (if any): [Input any desired collaboration or partnership opportunities]

Generate your output using the following sections:

- Identified Bottlenecks:
- Opportunities for Automation:
- Specific Goals and Targets for Improvement:
- Recommended Action Steps:
- Requirements for Change Management:
- Expected Outcomes and Metrics for Success:
- Follow-up Plan:


Looking for real world use-cases of AI for your credit union? Use our free: AI Prompt Library For Credit Unions


One simplified GenAI concept per week to build your AI Acumen

Credit Union Mergers and AI

Industry analysts expect merger and acquisition activity among credit unions to heat up in 2024.
While consolidation makes good business sense, mergers inevitably cause disruption for members and employees. 

On the member side, changes like new branch locations, updated products and procedures, can be challenging to communicate effectively. 

Typically this is handled through email, mail or in-person conversations, but what if an AI voice agent was available to proactively notify members of major changes? Even fielding questions and providing simple guidance in a way each member can easily understand. The time savings and experience improvements will be incredible. 

For employees, mergers usually mean updated systems, retraining on procedures, and revised messaging when interacting with members. This can be tremendously stressful, but imagine an AI chatbot on hand to quickly surface the latest protocols, scripts, and training resources employees need to do their jobs effectively?

With customizable voice agents and chatbots, organizations can rapidly disseminate information, train employees, and support members through the transition. This allows leadership to focus on high-level integration issues while AI handles the heavy lifting of consistent, personalized communication.

As the credit union landscape evolves, AI can plug knowledge gaps and free up human capacity to build relationships, boost loyalty and realize merger synergies. That’s good for business and good for the members you work hard to serve each day.

This is exactly the kind of impactful application of AI we’re working on at AviaryAI. Interested in learning more? Just respond to this email or go to



AI hallucinations refer to incorrect or misleading results produced by AI models. These errors can arise from several sources, such as inadequate training data, flawed assumptions within the model, or biases in the training data. Understanding AI hallucinations highlights the importance of critically evaluating and verifying AI-generated information. See how AviaryAI mitigates hallucinations for our clients here:


The latest news at the intersection of GenAI and Finance

BBVA Signs Deal with OpenAI

Spanish banking giant BBVA is making headlines by becoming the first European bank to join forces with OpenAI. Through this deal, BBVA is rolling out 3,000 ChatGPT Enterprise licenses to its employees, aiming to boost productivity, efficiency, and innovation across all departments. With dedicated training and continuous updates from OpenAI, BBVA hopes to harness ChatGPT's potential to support customer decisions and offer personalized services like never before. This ground-breaking move involves mandatory training for employees, ensuring everyone is well-equipped to leverage this technology.

BBVA is already seeing the benefits of their AI initiative, having recently conducted a 'DataRally' with in house staff to identify and nurture talent in using large language models (LLMs). This partnership aims not only to simplify mundane tasks but also to stimulate creativity and provide innovative solutions for both staff and customers. Brad Lightcap, COO of OpenAI, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, highlighting the transformative potential of AI in mainstream banking operations.

So what? BBVA's leap into AI isn't just about innovation—it's a strategic move to stay ahead. Credit unions can learn from this by exploring AI solutions that keep them competitive in an increasingly tech-driven market. This proactive approach ensures you're ready to meet changing member expectations and technological advancements head-on.

Read the full story here.

About AviaryAI

AviaryAI is the next evolution of financial interaction. Enhance your team with proactive outbound voice agents to welcome new members, encourage credit card activations, and drive non-interest revenue.

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